Rock climbing is popular throughout Spain and is one of the fastest growing sports in the country. As an avid rock climber during my time in Thailand, it’s the first thing I researched before backpacking through Spain, and I found that the climbing here is absolutely world class.
So here is some of the info you guys might want to know about before you take the plunge (hopefully not literally):

Where to Rock Climb in Malaga:
Rock climbing in Malaga is dominated by El Chorro, and rightly so. The huge limestone gorge in the centre of El Chorro is only 50km from Malaga, and with Malagas airport being a popular budget airline destination, you can easily fly in fin d a cheap Malaga car rental, and drive out immediately.
El Chorro offers more than 650 routes so there is literally a route suitable for everyone, which is great if you’re a backpacker trying to get started into the sport.
El Chorro isn’t the only climbing area in the region too, the Malaga area is rife with climbing spots. So try to check out Torcal de Antequera and Archidona near Antequera, Desplomilandia near El Chorro, San Bartolo near Tarifa on the coast and Turon near Ardales. That should be enough to keep every traveler in Spain occupied!
How much does Rock Climbing in Malaga Cost?
Most hostels run daytrips to the climbing areas so you don’t have to book anything in advance, which is great. A haf-day climbing should set you back around $80, which includes all gear rental, instruction and insurance (don’t wanna forget that!)
TIPS: My vagabond friends, I know the life of a traveler is a boozey one but try to lay off the sauce the night before you climb, you won’t do the sport or yourself justice clambering up the cliff face burping up last nights tequila shots!
When can you rock climb in Malaga?
The season is pretty long guys, so you’re in luck. Climbing is easily possible from Octiober all the way to June, but after that it’s just too bloody hot. Spring and Autumn are certainly peak seasons though, but for novices it’s not so important.
All in all it’s a pretty awesome place to start your rock climbing career or further it. Happy travels!