If getting lost in random countries, avoiding corrupt police officials and dicing with death on dodgy public transport isn’t quite enough to set your pulses racing, then perhaps you need to engage in a spot of adventure sports.

Personally I can’t get enough of it, I’ve bungeed in Zimbabwe, sky dived in Australia, hiked in Nepal, paraglided in India and still lived to tell the tale. If you’re traveling with your younger brothers or sisters, or even with your kids, adventure holidays are a sure fire way to stop them from getting bored. Next time it’s holiday planning time, check out these 5 awesome destinations of adventure holidays for families:
1) New Zealand:
The home of adventure travel. A J Hackett invented the bungee jump here in Queenstown so feel free to give that a bash. Mountaineering is another thing close to New Zealand’s heart, it’s the place where Sir Edmund Hilary cut his teeth before becoming the first man to summit Everest! Whether it’s swimming with dolphins, white water rafting or zorbing, New Zealand is the place to do it all.
2) Iceland:
I’m booked to head here in December 2012 and I just can’t wait! It’s home to the most famous ‘hot spring’ in the world with the blue lagoon, not only that but it’s one of the few places in the world you can go lava caving too. And if you’re there for winter, searching for the northern lights it’s a once in a lifetime experience.
3) Bulgaria:
Bulgaria is a relative newcomer to the activity holiday list, but it’s certainly making its mark. I just spent some time there last week and loved every second, the natural beauty is really something to marvel at. With that in mind, Bulgaria is an awesome place to go horse riding, camping and mountain biking. But beware, it get’s bloody hot!
4) Borneo:
An old favourite of mine, Borneo is a hit with everyone who visits. Borneo is shared by 3 countries (Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei) but it’s the Malaysian part which attracts all the tourists. You can climb south east Asia’s highest mountain, Mount Kinablau, check out orangutans in the wild or go on longboats in search of indigenous tribes – now that’s an adventure holiday!
5) Ecuador:
Ecuador may be a little pricier to get to for Europeans, but it’s worth it when you get there. Cheap as chips and packed with stuff to do – zip-lining, sea kayaking, volcano cycling – this stuff will keep you going for weeks. Just don’t expect it to be overly relaxing, this is for real adventure seekers. If you’ve got time then you should make the effort to explore the Galapagos Islands that belong to Ecuador.