Natural disasters can strike all over the world at any given moment. For some there is warning, why its important to check weather and things of that nature before embarking on a trip, and for others there is not. These disasters can range from earthquakes to mudslides to tornados. There are countless areas around the world that do use and could always use more volunteers. In the wake of Hurricane Sandy which just destroyed parts of New York and most of New Jersey, I felt it fitting to urge everyone to travel with prosperity and donate time and help when they can. Here are a few areas that suffered natural disasters and could use volunteers to help ease the pain. For a more in depth look at volunteering and choosing a place to do so, check out this post.

I don’t think it would practical to travel to Haiti and not volunteer your time. The earthquake back in 2010 left Haiti in terrible, almost impossible to repair shape. But in the past two years there has been tremendous steps taken toward recovery. But full repair is far from over. If you want to volunteer you can check out a program here, although it isn’t the only one.
New York City, Long Island, and New Jersey
Hurricane Sandy has left all three of the places above a mess. Many families have lost homes and resources are low if not completely run dry. Many shelters actively seek people to help run the facilities but these spots fill quickly. The Red Cross is looking for financial donations to help with relief. If you are interested in donating or seeing if spots in relief centers are open, you can do so here.

Above are two places that currently need disaster relief help. But disasters happen all of the time, so watch the news. Stay up to date on current events. When the opportunity to lend a hand presents itself, take it.
It isn’t only disaster relief that is needed throughout the world. All kinds of volunteering is needed. From large organizations like Habitat for Humanity where you may be building houses or with Amnesty International where you can be soliciting donations. No matter what you choose to do, do something. Everyone has a place or a calling. See if volunteering is yours. Here are some good places to look for volunteer opportunities or to donate.