Agggh this question is an issue I still continue to struggle with, 6 years and 60 countries in. Although I know the answer, it’s always a difficult task to restrict yourself so please guys, let me, as a serial overpacker impart onto you the truth about bringing your partying clothes in your backpack and on the road (ladies this post is for guys only, I wouldn’t be so bold as to suggest what you should/shouldn’t bring!):

What partying clothes you should bring:
1) One nice pair of jeans: One pair of jeans should suffice all backpackers unless they’re going to a particularly cold country. If you’re hitting South East Asia, South America, ANZ or N. America in the summer, one nice pair of jeans is enough. Ideally these can be worn during the day dressed down or at night, dress up.
If you’re packing really well these will be your only jeans, if you’re keeping it more mainstream this pair will be one half of your 2 jean collection
2) 2 shirts: You’ll need to pack 2 shirts, one of which can be pretty smart and the other of which can be smart but also wearable with your board/cargo shorts. So basically, you’ll have one specialist party shirt and one hybrid shirt which you can pull off as a party shirt or a day time shirt.
3) One pair of hybrid sneakers: You should bring a pair of trainers/sneakers/slip-ons that can be dressed up with your jeans and shirt to an extent where you can talk your where into a club, but also passable as day time wear. Ideally, you don’t wanna carry around a pair of party shoes that you only wear once every 2 or 3 weeks that you go to a ‘real’ club, it’s just not worth it.
4) Aftershave/belt:
Pack them both boys, but not exclusively for partying. Like the sneakers, you don’t wanna carry anything redundant so your belt and aftershave should both be dual purpose.
That should keep you just about dapper enough to hit up the clubs in most major cities boys, remember you’re travelling the world to really live your life, not to get drunk with backpacker in different sections of the globe. If you’ve got this lot in your bag, you’re all set. Happy travels!